There are four basic stages to digital engagement: P roduction of materials P ublishing of those materials we've produced P romotion of the published materials P articipation of the audience We are often very good at producing material, and publishing it. But what about the next two Ps - Promotion and Participation? These need a little more work. Promotion It's good to promote our materials. Usually we put them out there on the web, YouTube, and on other types of social media, and hope for the best. How can we promote them? One way is to advertise. This means paying money, but perhaps not as much as you think! Facebook adverts are very effective, can be targeted to a predefined audience, and might even lead to some users re-posting your posts, or commenting on them! Google ads are also very effective, though more costly. Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay It's a good idea not to over-promote, as this can be counter-effective. You want to create posts t...
Discussing issues to do with Scripture (Bible) engagement, mission, and Bible translation.