You want to reach the entire world with one product? Dream on! Yet there are many who advertise their ministry in exactly that way. 'This app/web-site/DVD is the answer. With this we will reach the world for Jesus!' Go to a meeting about digital media and just about all the missions represented will have a product that is the one product that will reach the entire planet. Would that it were so. Of course in the real world no one product works in every situation, and at a typical meeting where a representative presents their product to potential users the first question will often be, 'Can I adapt what you have done for such-and-such an audience?' At first the inventor of the product will decline, but eventually they will realise the pressure is too much and they will cave in, reluctantly perhaps, or in some cases willingly once they have heard the barriers put up by certain terms, illustrations or images. Lord teach us humility, teach us adaptability, teach us to ...
Discussing issues to do with Scripture (Bible) engagement, mission, and Bible translation.