I was just in a presentation,* and the presenter shared a slide about the Scripture engagement (SE) impact chain, which I thought I'd pass onto you fine folks! Here it is:
The point is, to have community transformation, you need to have individual transformation. To have individual transformation you need eyes and ears either reading or listening to Scripture. To have eyes and ears reading and listening you need people being reached with those materials in print or audio format (or video, which combines both). To have those materials you need to develop them in the first place. That's the SE impact chain, in a nutshell!
Now, the clever amongst you will have spotted that you can't just produce materials, therefore. Neither can you just produce materials and distribute them, as that's only two steps along the SE impact chain. To have community transformation you need to make sure the whole chain is working as it should. As the picture of legs on the side shows, that means having relationships and a CBO** and so forth. As we say in Central Asia and the surrounding regions, you'll need to drink a lot of tea! (Green or black, with fermented mare's milk, or without).
I hope that helps you folk out there to understand why Bible translation and distribution on its own is not enough. We do need Scripture engagement too.
Our sponsors and supporters often ask, "What SE is and why do we need it?" Basically, SE is there to facilitate change. What change? Transformational change by the Holy Spirit as people and whole communities engage with God through the Scriptures in the most appropriate language(s) for them. The SE impact chain is a helpful way of visualising that change as it occurs from the beginning, when the materials are produced, to the end result, community transformation.
*The presentation was on Outcome Harvesting, which is another story I'll tell you next time
** CBO - Community Based Organisation. Often these are officially registered, and started as a language or translation committee.
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