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Domains in Linguistics and Translation Companies

 I just put this chart together:

(click on the picture to make it larger)

It shows how interrelated all the disciplines in SIL (or any linguistics and translation organisation) are. This has several implications:

  1. We all rely on the research carried out at a high level by those working in a particular domain
  2. Most of us end up being jack of trades, master of none
  3. There's a huge danger of siloisation (which I talked about in an earlier blog) i.e. that we don't talk to each other enough
I deliberately put translation under 'SE & Translation', and SE before Translation, as these days we think through the Scripture Engagement goals of a project before getting to far in planning its scope. The latter is actually inseparable from the former, as how a translation will be used, and in what format, and by whom (which audience), will very much influence how the translation project moves forward, including decisions about how to translate in a given verse of Scripture.

Also note that language development feeds into translation as much as SE does. Or almost as much. It is false economy to try and cut out these early stages of a project when the language is being developed. This early work pays off in spades, and makes the latter stages go forward much more quickly and easily. Communities need to make their own decisions about how to develop their language, as much as they need to make them about kingdom goals. SIL translation advisors and consultants can act as catalysts in this process, however.

Anthropology is central. It is often neglected, but when this happens projects are the poorer for it, as they haven't thought through some of the ways different cultures view the world. It is essential for SE and translation.

So, important as our own domain of specialisation is, we need to remember we're part of a bigger picture, and very much dependant on others. Each part of the body does its bit for the wider good.


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