Last time we looked at what the Hebrews hoped for. And for what Jesus' followers hoped for. Today we're going to look at what we hope for. What Do We Hope For? If we answer honestly many of us hope for all kinds of material possessions (houses, cars, holidays) and success for ourselves and for our children. This is natural, but the Bible teaches us to hope for other things: Reconciliation between God and all things on earth and heaven has already taken place through the cross, but we need to continue in our hope of the good news we have heard (Col 1) Jesus inaugurated God’s Kingdom, but we have yet to see it fully consummated. We long for that, and pray for it (Mat 6:10) We, along with all creation, long for the redemption of our bodies (Rom 8:18-25). We will have new, resurrection bodies in the future (1Co 15) That God’s mission to the world, the nations, might be fulfilled under Jesus’ authority as he sends us out (Mat 28:18-20; Rev 7:9). And then the end will c...
Discussing issues to do with Scripture (Bible) engagement, mission, and Bible translation.