We often talk about the birth of the church at Pentecost as a completely new beginning. But was it? The event happened in Jerusalem, and the early believers often went to prayers at the temple or met in the temple portico. They were Jews, albeit from a variety of places. Most of them only left Jerusalem as a result of persecution and a prophecy (Act 1:8). The fact that the early believers, including leaders were Jews, means that as well as a new start we need to talk about continuity: The same people The same customs The same location Mostly the same beliefs When new churches are planted today there will be some continuity with the past. We shouldn't be afraid of that. Much of it is good, as it keeps people where they should be, in their communities. The new thing we want to introduce is 'the word of the Lord' i.e. the good news that Jesus the Messiah is Lord (and God). The rest is not unimportant, in fact it might be very useful background to this message, ...
Discussing issues to do with Scripture (Bible) engagement, mission, and Bible translation.