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Showing posts from February, 2021

Please Don't Work in Silos!

It seems that the more we specialise, the more we siloise (no pun intended). Siloisation is, according to Wikipedia, "The splitting of personnel, data, etc. into isolated units with poor communication." One danger of siloisation is that we are only interested in our own field of work or research. "I'm a linguist", or "I'm a literacy specialist" becomes an excuse for ignoring other areas of work, all of which are important. Another danger is poor communication between the various fields of work. We don't have time to attend all the Communities of Practice, or read all the emails in all of the email groups, so we just pick our own field of interest, without interacting with related fields. Yet another problem is those who want to subsume all other fields under their own. "It's all education!" Or, "It's all language development!" Finally, we may over-simplify other areas of work. "Scripture engagement is about get...