Media products often end with the resurrection. Why? We just want to get people saved. This is the wrong strategy, imho . We are commanded to make disciples. People need the message of Acts. Some people need to be able to see the road ahead before completely committing themselves to Christ. Acts teaches us that: God is at work! The Holy Spirit who came after Jesus ascended to heaven, works through us Where there are no churches planting new ones is needed Those churches are missional in nature, i.e. self-reproducing Local believers are the ones to lead those gatherings We may encounter persecution Some areas have people who are more open to the good news than others Many Jewish leaders had misunderstood the Bible and what it taught about the coming chosen one Nevertheless many Jewish background as well as Gentile background people believed, so churches were often made up of both, often causing some tension It's about growing, discipleship, and moving forw...
Discussing issues to do with Scripture (Bible) engagement, mission, and Bible translation.