So there's a lot of discussion at the moment about why postmillenials are leaving the church. I'd like to suggest one possible reason, and that's an inappropriate explanation of the gospel. Evangelicals tend towards using a substitutionary atonement theology in their explanations: we're sinners, we deserve God's wrath, Christ took the punishment we deserved, and so on. The trouble with this is that it really doesn't resonate with a postmillenial view of the world. Firstly people don't think of themselves as sinners. To believe we are sinners means accepting a world where God is judge, there are clear rules, we have broken them, and that puts us in the dock, as it were. We're like criminals. But millenials don't feel that way. Another option, according to Jayson Georges' book 3D Gospel , is that people see themselves as shaming their family or peer group or 'clan' (again, a kind of peer group), and that this causes a break in ...
Discussing issues to do with Scripture (Bible) engagement, mission, and Bible translation.