Welcome to this new Scripture Engagement blog! What is Scripture Engagement, you ask? We in SE encourage people to access the scriptures in whatever language and media is most appropriate. It also relates to other areas of Bible translation such as planning, local ownership, and bilingualism. It is therefore very practical and not at all ivory tower. Planning and local ownership: local churches and the believers in them are often the best people to decide the way forward in terms of planning for SE, as they know what will work and what won't work. Bilingualism: if someone speaks one language at home and another in the market or at work, in what language should we give them a Bible? The answer is not straight-forward and may relate to their education level. For instance they may have been educated in the lingua franca of the region but would rather speak access the Bible in their mother tongue, in which case videos and audio versions of the Bible might be most appropriate....
Discussing issues to do with Scripture (Bible) engagement, mission, and Bible translation.